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Tobacco Beetle Trap
Sanitrap Tobacco Beetle Trap
Tobacco Beetle Trap

Price: $14.95

Availability: In Stock
Product Code: CAM-25SBT

Product Description
The Cigarette or Tobacco Beetle is one of the most destructive pests of dried and stored tobacco. Packaged and chewing tobaccos, cigars, and cigarettes can have holes eaten through them from this beetle. Tobacco beetle adults and larvae also are omnivorous pests of other products, such as stored grains. The Sanitrap can help individuals, stores and warehouses catch tobacco beetles, monitor the beetle population, assess if a problem is present, and help to estimate the number of beetle eggs that may have been laid.

  • Rigid trap design,
  • Easy assembly and handling,
  • Grid provided for easy counting,
  • Dust resistant design,
  • Temperature tolerant adhesive.
  • Monitoring record provided on trap,
  • Serricornin pheromone lure
  • Size: 7-3/4" x 2-3/4" x 1/2"

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